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Step 6: Learning from others

Step 1: Exploring and understanding housing needs and wants, and creating your housing plan

Step 1
Step 2: Reviewing housing options and locations

Step 2
Step 3: Financing the plan

Step 3
Step 4: Managing housing supports

Step 4
Step 5: Building a plan that will support change

Step 5
Step 6: Learning from others

Step 6
DSO housing navigators contact list


 Step 6: Learning from others

DSO housing navigators are continuously researching housing and support resources to best guide people and their families in the creation and development of person-centered housing and housing support plans. In their research, many fantastic resources related to housing and housing development for those with a developmental disability were discovered. This section of the toolkit includes guides and toolkits, as well as success stories, that have been collected by the DSO housing navigator team from across the province, country and even world.

This section will help you to:

  1. explore resources, and
  2. learn from success stories.

Disclaimer: This online toolkit is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, technical, business or other advice and should not be relied on as such. Please consult a professional if you have any questions related to the topics discussed in this toolkit. Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) and its host agencies do not endorse any commercial product, process or service referenced in this toolkit, or its producer or provider. The DSO also does not make any express or implied warranties, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any information contained in this toolkit, including web-links to other servers. All URLs mentioned in this document will link to an external website.

a. Explore resources

A Guide to Finding Housing in Hamilton
This guide includes resources, information and tools which can make finding housing easier. Several ideas in this guide are applicable throughout Ontario.

This website shares numerous resources regarding housing along with success stories of those who have paved the way.

Creating a Good Life in Community: A Guide on Person-Directed Planning
This guide has been written to assist families and people with developmental disabilities to plan for their future. It provides some steps in which to approach person-directed planning.

Creating Housing Choices: For People with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario
This guide was held to showcase and generate alternative housing options for individuals with developmental disabilities within the Greater Toronto Area.

Housing Transition Guide: Moving to a Place of My Own!
This guide is intended for the loved ones and caregivers of people who would like to plan for a transition toward a new, person centered living environment.

Inclusion Press
Inclusion Press is about inclusion — for all — in education and community. Their site contains many great resources that are free or available for purchase.

Investing in a Home of My Own (WindsorEssex Family Network)
This document will guide you through some home ownership options.

My Choice, My Home (Windsor-Essex Family Network)
This website provides various articles and resources on housing.

My Home, Focus on the Future Series (WindsorEssex Family Network)
This document will help you consider the pros and cons regarding different housing models.

Options for Thinking about My Home (Windsor-Essex Family Network)
This document will help you figure out what type of home you would like to live in.

Renovation Tips Created for Families by Families (Windsor-Essex Family Network)
This document provides great tips if you are considering a renovation to create a private living space for a family member in your home.

Disclaimer: This online toolkit is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, technical, business or other advice and should not be relied on as such. Please consult a professional if you have any questions related to the topics discussed in this toolkit. Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) and its host agencies do not endorse any commercial product, process or service referenced in this toolkit, or its producer or provider. The DSO also does not make any express or implied warranties, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any information contained in this toolkit, including web-links to other servers. All URLs mentioned in this document will link to an external website.

b. Learn from success stories

There are plenty of creative and resilient people who along with their loved ones have created innovative and person-centered solutions to their housing and housing support needs.

Here are some links where you can find such inspiring stories:

Developmental Services Housing Task Force 18 Demonstration Projects
This e-booklet provides an overview of 18 innovative housing projects for adults with developmental disabilities.

Elmira District Community Videos
Field of Dreams and Snowgoose videos are about an intentional community that gives adults with intellectual disabilities the chance to live independently with supports provided by a good neighbour model.

Elmira’s Good Neighbours Approach to Intentional Communities
This report explains the “Good Neighbours” housing concept as conceived by Elmira Developmental Support Corporation.

Families Matter Co-op Videos
This Families Matter Co-op video channel provides several video vignettes highlighting innovative housing solutions.

This website shares some great inspirational stories on how people achieved a home of their own.

Live Work Play Video
Live Work Play has used the “Just Enough Support” model to assist people to achieve full community inclusion, including their home living environment.

Living the Smart Life
This video demonstrates how technology can make a difference in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Partners for Planning
This website provides video clips of some amazing success stories related to housing.

Shared Dreams for Independent Living Video
This video is about a group of 5 families who got together in 2013 to assist their sons to live in their own home, supported in the way they wish, and maintaining strong connection with their families. In 2015 they became an incorporated non-profit.

The Community Oak Park
This website provides an inspiring success story about how a group of families are giving individuals with a developmental disability a voice. Click here to watch their video.

York Region Why Wait Demonstration Project Videos
This video channel provides a series of videos highlighting different methods of support within individualized residential models.

