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Step 3: Financing the plan

Step 1: Exploring and understanding housing needs and wants, and creating your housing plan

Step 1
Step 2: Reviewing housing options and locations

Step 2
Step 3: Financing the plan

Step 3
Step 4: Managing housing supports

Step 4
Step 5: Building a plan that will support change

Step 5
Step 6: Learning from others

Step 6
DSO housing navigators contact list


 Step 3: Financing the plan

Every successful housing model has a solid financial foundation. It all begins with a budget which is essentially a summary of your expected income and expenses for a defined period of time (usually one month). To create a sustainable and realistic housing plan, you need to understand the amount of money that is available to you compared to how much you will need each month for both living expenses and supports.

In this section of the housing toolkit, you will find resources that will help you build a budget, as well as understand your funding and financial options.

This section will help you find the information and resources to:

  1. Housing and support budget, and
  2. understand your funding options.

Disclaimer: This online toolkit is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, technical, business or other advice and should not be relied on as such. Please consult a professional if you have any questions related to the topics discussed in this toolkit. Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) and its host agencies do not endorse any commercial product, process or service referenced in this toolkit, or its producer or provider. The DSO also does not make any express or implied warranties, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any information contained in this toolkit, including web-links to other servers. All URLs mentioned in this document will link to an external website.

A. Housing and support budget

Here are several types of budgets that you may want to consider for your housing plan:

Household and support budget

Your household budget includes things like rent, food, utilities, clothing, entertainment (all of those things that need to be covered by income sources like ODSP and employment).

Your support budget includes your cost of supports, whether technology or person driven. The support budget can only be created when you know what you will be doing throughout the day and what supports you require to be successful. This is why it is important to ensure your housing vision is clear.

By completing the My budget plan document, you will be able to develop your budget.

Shared budget

There may be an opportunity to share supports with your housemate or neighbour. The most common times to share support when living in the same space or the same building/geographic location are overnight support, morning routine, and evening mealtime support, as this is when people are most often spending time in their home.

It is important to remember that people change with time and this may be reflected in their living environments. Any housing plan that is developed should be able to change with the person. Most people have several living situations throughout their adult life. Therefore, whatever is created needs to be flexible and any shared financial resources should be individually tracked in the event future separation is required.

Disclaimer: This online toolkit is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, technical, business or other advice and should not be relied on as such. Please consult a professional if you have any questions related to the topics discussed in this toolkit. Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) and its host agencies do not endorse any commercial product, process or service referenced in this toolkit, or its producer or provider. The DSO also does not make any express or implied warranties, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any information contained in this toolkit, including web-links to other servers. All URLs mentioned in this document will link to an external website.

B. Understand your funding options

Funding and financial resources for the supports you need may come from several different sources, and although you may work and/or receive benefits from ODSP, your income and/or basic allowance may not cover the amount you require for all your support needs.

Your housing plan will require a team of people, from natural supports to formal supports. Finding these people in your community is an important step towards the development, implementation and sustainability of your housing plan. As your needs change, it will be helpful to consider if there are people and/or services that you have not yet connected with, that may be able to address your needs. Your local DSO housing navigator may be able to assist you with this.

