1. Do you have any of the following documents that support that you have a developmental disability?
a psychological assessment
an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
2. Have you applied for ministry-funded adult developmental services through your area DSO?
3. Have you completed an application package through your area DSO (if eligible)?
4. Do you have support from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
5. Do you have Passport funding (for community supports, respite, PDP, facilitation support, etc.)?
6. Do you receive a disability tax credit?
7. Do you have a Registered Disability Savings Plan (e.g. RDSP)?
8. Do you have a Henson Trust to protect assets and government funding like ODSP?
9. Are you aware of other government rebates, programs, subsidies and credits to support your planning?
10. Are you aware of other financial assets and resources that you may already have, or that may be available to you (e.g. the potential to build a secondary suite in the family home as a transitional space)